Trace en la misma gráfica (además las tabulaciones)
y₁ = Ln(x) → you draw Ln(x)
y₂ = Ln(5x)
y₂ = Ln(5) + y₁ → you draw Ln(5) ≈ 1,60943 and you add to it y₁
y₃ = Ln(5/x)
y₃ = Ln(5) - Ln(x)
y₃ = Ln(5) - y₁ → you draw Ln(5) ≈ 1,60943 and you subtract to it y₁
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Answers & Comments
y₁ = Ln(x) → you draw Ln(x)
y₂ = Ln(5x)
y₂ = Ln(5) + y₁ → you draw Ln(5) ≈ 1,60943 and you add to it y₁
y₃ = Ln(5/x)
y₃ = Ln(5) - Ln(x)
y₃ = Ln(5) - y₁ → you draw Ln(5) ≈ 1,60943 and you subtract to it y₁