ght texts also. He had his moods also though but blamed it on drugs. When I got mad he told me he’s ill which is why it took him a while one day to respond & that he was falling for me and wished we were closer to get sexual. I was developing feelings also but he was rushing things & getting so intense so I blocked him but did let him down first. He then created 3 fake accounts to try to get me back and messaged my sister (who he also does not know) but she blocked him as she was freaked out. I unblocked him to explain my reasoning and he was really upset claiming that I was talking to other guys & that he doesn’t want relationships/sex but he said that talking to me turns him on & wanted me to tell him what I wanted from him. I re-blocked him and he created another fake account but I just blocked again.
He now wears a T-shirt with my name on it?
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Answers & Comments
No more crazy than you do by asking this question for the 20th time.
he's cray-cray. get a keychain personal alarm and pepper spray. you and your sister stay on your toes.
Sounds very much like he wants EU citizenship through you.
Please think very carefully about whether you should be close to this person. Hindsight is 20/20, but it's here now trying to get your attention. Is it worth it?
1. Por la mañana coloque en media taza de agua el número de granos de arroz correspondientes a los kilos que quiere perder.
2. No ponga más granos de los necesarios porque esos kilos nunca más se recuperan.
3. En la noche tómese el agua dejando los granos de de arroz para luego volver a llenar la taza.
1. Por la mañana en ayunas beba toda el agua dejando todos los granos de arroz, y luego llene nuevamente la taza con agua.