I want to respect my parents wishes so if that’s the case I don’t mind speaking but I’d prefer to have something written that my siblings read. Partly because of the bad relationship my sister and I had but mostly just cause I’m on comfortable speaking before crowd especially since a lot of them will be sitting outside due to COVID-19 precautions.
I’m going to write something nice, I just feel uncomfortable speaking before crowd and would even feel that way it had we not been estranged.
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Verified answer
Mention your favorite memories, cry, and step down.
Pretend to have laryngitis or say you have nothing good to say since your sister was a beast.
0/10. Just because it's the last day of the site doesn't mean you have to let standards slip.
You don't. There was no sister and as was so eloquently pointed out to you every other time you've posted, there are gaping holes in your story's timeline.