Am I going to get in trouble the restraining order I have against me may have been violated ?

So there was this incident that happened with the person who got the restraining order and my mom contacted that person to try to discuss it but here’s the thing i did not tell my mom to do it in fact I told her to just leave it bee. But my mom is stubborn and did it anyways. So here’s the thing I did not tell her to do it so it’s not on my behalf and in the temporary restraining order it does not say nothing about my mom contacting her it does say though that I can’t indirectly talk to her through anyone like telling someone to tell them something for me. But I did not do that. The only thing I can say is for that person to get a restraining order on my mom too


Why would I be arrested since I did not do anything my mom talked to her not me and the order says I can’t talk to her so the order only keeps me from talking to her directly or indirectly she she should get an order on my mom then

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