Young mother let's her kids damage my plants what should I do? ?

Hi guys I have a problem there is a lady who has 3 small children her little boy is a menace he pulls my plants and flowers he has scratched my neighbours fence and pulled the wire mesh out of my neighbours fence then he banged into my rose Almost damaging I yelled out to them please becareful of my plants the mother of the child shouted rudely pardon. I told them off once saying please don't touch my plants after her kids waved a stick on them she was aggressive mouthing off at me what do I do I believe sge cagt control her kids avd allows her kids to do it what should I do I told my partner to tell the neighbour about the damage to his fence but my partner said he won't make a special journey what do I do im deeply upset about this 


Yesterday when I was In. My garden  pruning my roses her kiddy called out avd shouted witch to me, which was rude I said excuse me she then what did you say then sge aggressively avd threatenly says to my faca cagt, say it to my face I'm so frightened I don't know, what to do 

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